RKop: Brown-hooded Parrot
RKop: Brown headed Parrot taking off
RKop: Golden hooded tanager
RKop: Golden Hooded Tanager
RKop: King Vulture
RKop: king Vulture
RKop: King Vulture (view large- hit "L" then "Z" twice)
RKop: king Vulture
RKop: King Vulture dispute
RKop: Crested Carcara
RKop: king Vulture
RKop: Crested Caraca
RKop: Melodious blackbird
RKop: Melodious grackle
RKop: Black-Cowled Oriole
RKop: Scarlet-rumped tanager
RKop: Aracari Launch (1 of 3)
RKop: Aracari Launch (2 of 3)
RKop: Aracari Launch (3 of 3)
RKop: Masked Tityra (F)
RKop: Masked Tityra (M, EXPLORE Apr 7 209123, #312)
RKop: Olive-backed Euphonia (M)
RKop: Scarlet-rumped tanager
RKop: Toucan in flight..
RKop: Toucan in flight..
RKop: Red-Lored parrots
RKop: In a green kind of mood
RKop: Common Mexican tree frog (Smilisca baudinii)
RKop: Eyelash palm pitviper
RKop: Common Mexican tree frog (Smilisca baudinii)