RKop: Bob Zim...Dylan
RKop: Arch Flood06_19_08.JPG
RKop: The Bean
RKop: Pritzker Pavilon, Chicago
RKop: On the way to Aspen via Independence pass
RKop: On the way to independence pass
RKop: Tell Aviv, the old harbor
RKop: Love
RKop: Pine Key Deer
RKop: Cardinals home park
RKop: The national Portrait Gallery
RKop: Pleasant bay, Cape Breton
RKop: Taking a picture of Google taking a picture
RKop: Wiscosset, Main
RKop: HIghLine, NY (not iPhone..)
RKop: The HighLine (2)
RKop: IMG_2113
RKop: World Trade 1, 2012
RKop: 911 memorial pool
RKop: DSC06717
RKop: IMG_2185
RKop: Chicago Mercantile exchange
RKop: Trump Tower and the Chicago river
RKop: Chicago Marathon, 2012
RKop: Chicago Marathon, 2012 (2)
RKop: IMG_2221
RKop: Not in Kansas anymore
RKop: Lapwing takoff
RKop: DSC07801
RKop: Mine..Mine..Mine...