RKop: Dusky Moorhen
RKop: Bended Ramp Rail
RKop: Bended Ramp Rail
RKop: American Coot
RKop: American Coot
RKop: Abort!
RKop: Eagle and Coot
RKop: Sub Adult Eagle spots something… click for story
RKop: The coot must surface..
RKop: The Eagle get the coot
RKop: Eagle clutching Coot
RKop: Eagle and Coot
RKop: Moorhens
RKop: Moorhens
RKop: Moorhen, Juvenile
RKop: American Coot
RKop: Ridgeway's Rail
RKop: Reflecting
RKop: American Coot
RKop: Moorhen Charging
RKop: Moorhen on the attack
RKop: Mr and Mrs Coot
RKop: American Coot
RKop: Paint-bill Crake
RKop: Paint-bill Crake
RKop: Paint-bill Crake
RKop: Paint-bill Crake
RKop: American Coot motoring
RKop: American Coot investigating (View Large)
RKop: American Coot posing