RKop: Green Jays
RKop: Audubon's Oriole
RKop: Dispute
RKop: Green Jay
RKop: Peccary (Javelina)
RKop: Clay-Colored Thrush
RKop: Whopping Crane looking for blue crab
RKop: Cruising the Texas coast
RKop: Cruising the Texas coast
RKop: Whooping cranes
RKop: Whooping cranes
RKop: Cattle Tyrant
RKop: Cattle Tyrant inspecting its rear
RKop: White Tail Hawk
RKop: Swanson's Hawk (Juvenile)
RKop: Swenson's Hawk, Juvenile
RKop: Blue Wing Teal
RKop: American Aligator
RKop: Red Shoulder Hawk
RKop: Red Shoulder Hawk, mobbing a GHO
RKop: Red Shoulder Hawk, mobbing a GHO spotted in a live oak
RKop: Glossy Ibis
RKop: Least Grebe (Rare)
RKop: least Grebe
RKop: Swamp Sparrow (Texas trip, american species #320)
RKop: Glossy Ibis
RKop: Texas GHO before being discovered by the RSH
RKop: My first Caracara
RKop: Sandhill cranes
RKop: Wet American Pipit