RKop: Bambi
RKop: Mr. Buck full frontal
RKop: Mr. Buck
RKop: Tiger swallowtail (3)
RKop: Tiger swallowtail (1)
RKop: Tiger swallowtail
RKop: DSC05055
RKop: In a tight spot
RKop: DSC05127
RKop: Disheveled
RKop: Bambi and Mom (no hunters)
RKop: Ten pointer visting
RKop: The bully and the wasp
RKop: Rubi throated humminbird
RKop: River Fest, Cincinnati.
RKop: River Fest, Cincinnati 2.
RKop: River Fest, Cincinnati.
RKop: Skipper (2)
RKop: Skipper
RKop: looking for nectar
RKop: Ready!
RKop: Morning dew on a tiny spider
RKop: No, just passing by.
RKop: You talking to me?!
RKop: B17 Flaying Fortress Aluminum Overcast
RKop: Thistles 3
RKop: Thistles and a bee.
RKop: Thistles
RKop: DSC05835
RKop: Parasitic wasp