RKop: Australian Magpie
RKop: Bushturkey (megapods)
RKop: laughing Kookaburra
RKop: Head shot
RKop: Magpie
RKop: The approach and URL
RKop: sulfur crested cockatoo
RKop: Black Swans
RKop: Galah
RKop: Bended Ramp Rail
RKop: Bended Ramp Rail
RKop: Brown Booby
RKop: Brown Booby
RKop: brown booby
RKop: Egret, Eastern Reef (Dark Phase)
RKop: Pied Oyster Catcher
RKop: Tree crab
RKop: Pacific Golden Plover
RKop: Crested tern
RKop: crested tern
RKop: Crested Tern
RKop: Crested Tern Flyby
RKop: Black Noddy hard shot
RKop: Black Noddy feeding chick
RKop: Black (white capped) Noddy tern
RKop: Nodders bonding (noddy tern)
RKop: Black noddy
RKop: DSC09140
RKop: Noddy in flight (calling me unprintable names)