RKop: Brown pelican, Juvenile.
RKop: Osprey and needlefish
RKop: Osprey with needlefish
RKop: Osprey with needlefish
RKop: Anhinga, female
RKop: Juvenile Redheaded woodpecker
RKop: Juvenile Redheaded woodpecker
RKop: Gadwall hen
RKop: Gadwall hen
RKop: Hering gull im fall
RKop: Hey..do you want to go on a date?
RKop: Tennessee departing
RKop: Blackburnian Warblers three ways
RKop: Berylline vs. Mantis(s)
RKop: Phainopepla
RKop: Berylline vs. Mantis(s)
RKop: Berylline vs. Mantis(s)
RKop: Berylline vs. Mantis(s)
RKop: Berylline vs. Mantis(s)
RKop: Berylline vs. Mantis(s)
RKop: Berylline vs. Mantis(s)
RKop: White eared hummingbird (EXPLORE, Sept 20th 2023, #151)
RKop: Violet Crowned hummingbird
RKop: Black chin hummingbird
RKop: Rufous Hummingbird
RKop: Vermilion flycatcher (F) (EXPLORE, Oct15 2023 #270)
RKop: Hermit Warbler
RKop: Ruby throated hummingbird
RKop: Ruby throated hummingbird
RKop: Ruby throated hummingbird