RKop: Red tail Hawk Takoff
RKop: Brown Pelican Dive
RKop: DownTown
RKop: RedHead Woodpecker
RKop: sunsets over the Golf of Mexico
RKop: Melanistic (black phase) Fantail Hunting, Rakaia Gorge (Explore, Oct 20 2014, #490)
RKop: The Dive (Explore, Nov 23, 2014 #408)
RKop: My wishes to my flickr freinds!
RKop: Little blue Heron
RKop: Triheaded Aquatic Turtle
RKop: Short Eared Owl
RKop: Happy Holidays!
RKop: Egrets
RKop: Composite JUMP
RKop: Belted Kingfisher
RKop: Magnolia composition
RKop: TheJump (view Large)
RKop: Happy New Year said the Harlequin
RKop: Eclipse composit