RJO: AKS Ready to March
RJO: A Long Line
RJO: Guild Group Phase 4
RJO: Wave Everyone
RJO: I said cast a few spells!
RJO: The Light of Carby
RJO: Falafel Waffles
RJO: Some Falafels Have More Pride Than Others
RJO: Cat People
RJO: Waving Cat People
RJO: I don't even...
RJO: The other races of Eorzea
RJO: But they have great emote timing
RJO: Humans represent!
RJO: Wave!
RJO: They are a little uncoordinated
RJO: "Air Quotes"
RJO: Oh oh, getting naked
RJO: Ready to naked march!
RJO: Jumping naked off a cliff
RJO: Taking on 30 something mobs
RJO: But we did beat him!
RJO: The steps of the Garlean Empire
RJO: Gates of a Garlean Outpost
RJO: Running the gauntlet!
RJO: And that's a night..