RJO: After crushing @dimitriosalexis in Marco Polo tonight I would like to formally announce my retirement from board games I have peaked and have decided to go out on top #boardgames
RJO: My final weekend with this view (away next weekend, moving the following)
RJO: Monty is coping with the moving disaster zone by sleeping under the table. He has assumed earthquake position. Poor guy, the house is a mess, schedules are a mess...
RJO: We drove past the new house tonight and the Leased sticker had gone up. Just over two weeks to go!
RJO: New views who this?
RJO: Time to move
RJO: Final day of vacation task. The board game collection needs some wrangling #boardgames
RJO: Damn it, she found the treasure. Treasure Island is FUN #boardgames
RJO: Amazon says: 9 foot Christmas tree bag. Brain says: body removal? I got you
RJO: Walked in on my daughter teaching her cousins Gold Fever. I may have shed a tear of pride #boardgames
RJO: I had a good year. God you looked so incredible our wedding day @rachelaosullivan
RJO: There was painting today. Guess who did which?
RJO: Got 2019 plans.
RJO: God damn, I think I made biscuits
RJO: New addition to the household. Only temporarily living in the middle of the kitchen. We managed to unbox it and immediately wanted to start playing. A good sign
RJO: Tradition. Family. Food. And not posing for pictures.
RJO: There's been otters in Cobourg harbor. So we're looking for them. It is cold. Might not make it out alive
RJO: A goose sleeps in Cobourg
RJO: Christmas joy
RJO: I had @d20plusmodifier draw a picture of @montythetricorgi and it was excellent.
RJO: I don't need you anyway Christmas market.
RJO: This is a close as we made it... Hour line, let's go eat Thai food instead
RJO: FedEx finally got this to me. So excited! #boardgames
RJO: Mumford and Sons were simply incredible
RJO: We showed up early to make sure we saw the excellent @maggierogers before the Mumford show!
RJO: It's finally here! Duelosaur Island! #boardgames
RJO: Red Meeple power. YMMV. #boardgames
RJO: My PAX unplugged pick ups. Super excited I managed to get my hands on all my new release targets at the show. #boardgames #paxunplugged
RJO: My pinny collection has sprawled well beyond my lanyard now. I'm having to edit to my favorites
RJO: Good morning from PAX