"ritacor": Rita
"ritacor": Babar
"ritacor": Anita
"ritacor": Happy New Year!
"ritacor": Vintage Christmas
"ritacor": Vintage Christmas
"ritacor": "A Christmas Tree for the dolls"
"ritacor": "Cut-outs for the Tree"
"ritacor": Vintage christmas
"ritacor": Rita e Cristina
"ritacor": Rita
"ritacor": Rita
"ritacor": Rita
"ritacor": Rita
"ritacor": Rita
"ritacor": Rita
"ritacor": vintage children books
"ritacor": shri yantra mandala (colour)
"ritacor": tibetan mandala
"ritacor": Dentro da Mala-de-cartão / Inside the bag
"ritacor": Picadilly Circus
"ritacor": postcard back
"ritacor": Dijon
"ritacor": brown goat
"ritacor": Christmas cards
"ritacor": for the "paper quilt project"
"ritacor": japanese patchwork
"ritacor": fauve birds butterflies and flowers
"ritacor": 19th century french flowers
"ritacor": 18th century textile painting - french provincial