"ritacor": HipstaPrint
"ritacor": Almofadas ✨Frida Estrelas ✨
"ritacor": azul-cravo
"ritacor": Dia de jardinar 💚
"ritacor": {Te Amo Mucho} ❤️ heart-shape cushion made of recycled denim 💙♻️
"ritacor": {Te Amo Mucho} ❤️ heart-shape cushion made of recycled denim 💙♻️
"ritacor": First quilt of the year: done☑️
"ritacor": ✂️💛viagem à volta do mundo - painel de azulejos] ❤️ 600 small squares 💙✂️ #ritacor #patchwork #triparoundtheworld #fromportowithlove #cottonandsteel
"ritacor": ✨Welcome December ✨ Welcome Christmas Decorations✨
"ritacor": The lost domino 🀄️
"ritacor": Working on what will probably be the last quilt i make this year ✨✂️
"ritacor": And what can I tell you my brother, my killer What can I possibly say? I guess that I miss you, I guess I forgive you I'm glad you stood in my way. And thanks, for the trouble you took from (my) eyes I thought it was there for good so I never tried
"ritacor": Las dos Fridas
"ritacor": 🌺"As duas Fridas"🌸 [almofadas cheia de alma, na Feira das Almas]
"ritacor": Continuação do perfeito dia de anos: manter o registo musical e matar saudades da Índia no Doclisboa ✨
"ritacor": 🔳 Unknown Pleasures [or] The Signal of a Pulsar 🔲
"ritacor": {Frida Mariposas} }}ï{{
"ritacor": HipstaPrint
"ritacor": [Auto-retrato à porta do alfaiate]
"ritacor": Meet my latest music inspired quilt: Ziggy Stardust Wallquilt 💟
"ritacor": 💙^Casa Azul^ 💙
"ritacor": Para começar a semana da melhor maneira: Pinhole Frida🌸Flores
"ritacor": Padrões | Patterns
"ritacor": Coming soon: The Beatles @ ritacor :)
"ritacor": Novos sacos Frida Kahlo ❣
"ritacor": Atençao, vai começar a corrida mais louca do mundo!...
"ritacor": Janela para o Mundo
"ritacor": Janela para o Mundo
"ritacor": Work-in-progress ✂️⬜️✂️
"ritacor": "I've got a bike, You can ride it if you like, It's got a basket, a bell that rings and Things to make it look good [and a gnome]" 🚲❣