"ritacor": pink tuesday
"ritacor": kind of rainbow layout
"ritacor": trying different layouts
"ritacor": detail
"ritacor": on the design wall
"ritacor": big blooms quilt - scheme
"ritacor": big blooms quilt - colorway
"ritacor": big blooms quilt - detail
"ritacor": big blooms quilt
"ritacor": alice in wonderland quilt - back
"ritacor": alice in wonderland quilt - detail
"ritacor": alice in wonderland quilt - detail
"ritacor": alice in wonderland quilt
"ritacor": alice in wonderland quilt
"ritacor": big squares quilt
"ritacor": big squares quilt
"ritacor": cara de bicho mau
"ritacor": DSCF0022
"ritacor": strawberry ♥ fields
"ritacor": my ♥ is pink
"ritacor": flower ♥
"ritacor": patched ♥
"ritacor": red city ♥
"ritacor": stripes & flowers
"ritacor": stripes & flowers - back
"ritacor": stripes & flowers - back detail
"ritacor": stripes & flowers - detail
"ritacor": stripes & flowers
"ritacor": upper detail
"ritacor": down detail