"ritacor": wall painting
"ritacor": in the country
"ritacor": another fountain
"ritacor": detail of the sun
"ritacor": pictorical fountain
"ritacor": beautifull tiles in pictorical fountain
"ritacor": Up on the hill
"ritacor": »*«
"ritacor": »*«
"ritacor": »*«
"ritacor": »*«
"ritacor": »*«
"ritacor": trapped, but trying to escape
"ritacor": Floating down...
"ritacor": ...trough the coulds...
"ritacor": ...memories come rushing up to meet me now
"ritacor": come on...
"ritacor": Marroco busy street
"ritacor": Marroco
"ritacor": self-portrait: our shadow
"ritacor": mixed wires
"ritacor": sea and rocks
"ritacor": triangle windows
"ritacor": what a terrace!
"ritacor": The door next to mine...
"ritacor": a window in the sky
"ritacor": capitalism vs comunism
"ritacor": a seat waitting in the sun