"ritacor": Mala de cartão da "Pampa" / "Pampa´s" Bag
"ritacor": Mochila Azul / Blue backpack
"ritacor": shri yantra mandala (colour)
"ritacor": Tibetan curtain
"ritacor": Blue Collage
"ritacor": blue
"ritacor": skys and clouds - my favs
"ritacor": your picture travels around the world
"ritacor": reflections on the water
"ritacor": detail of the sun
"ritacor": Blue day - window
"ritacor": blue day - tiles
"ritacor": blue day - building and sky*
"ritacor": in the country
"ritacor": tiles
"ritacor": blue door
"ritacor": blue tiles * AZULejos
"ritacor": Blue grocery shop
"ritacor": detail of the door
"ritacor": blue baby quilt with blue baby monkey
"ritacor": I ♥ Blue