Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Miles Davis Cover
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Posto 9 Ipanema
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Rio de Janeiro Double
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Fashion #1
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Fashion #2
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Fashion Subway
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Praia Ferradurinha . Búzios . Brasil
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Brasil Clip
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Búzios . Geribá Planet
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Búzios . RJ
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Rio SkyView
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
RockBand . Ipanema
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Ipanema Swell
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Copacabana Dust Storm
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Copacabana 60´s
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Canal do Mangue . RJ circa 1920
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Arpoador . RJ circa 1960
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Imagine a light village...
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
IMS House Deco . Rio de Janeiro
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Magic Bus . Ipanema . RJ
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Hide Park White Cat
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Corvette Stingray 1965
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Corvette StingRay . 1971 . PurpleHaze
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
Pao de Açucar . RJ
Photography and Design by Thales Anibal Jardim:
My House on 60´s . Udi