r.ing: familytime (missing Lukas though)
r.ing: klipping
r.ing: Halloween 2016
r.ing: Rik&Rut's kitchen brain session
r.ing: ég elska þig Elma - þá, nú og alltaf
r.ing: I've been sick these past days and mr. Frodo hasn't left my side ❤️
r.ing: Bessastadir
r.ing: My mum just sent me this picture of my dad... I love my parents so very much, because of them I have so much to be thankful for.
r.ing: Sweet friends
r.ing: Úrkoma
r.ing: upload
r.ing: blackFlickr
r.ing: rr-halloween2013
r.ing: Movie on 2013-09-25 at 09.32
r.ing: detail of my life at Garðabær
r.ing: good morning at Garðabær
r.ing: e4a791e2a8fb2332efce258c8095c574b1b28f0c-1373929366
r.ing: Birthday boy - 11 years old today
r.ing: Good morning
r.ing: enjoying life
r.ing: My son, his brother and their father
r.ing: me
r.ing: Ingólfur
r.ing: mermaid
r.ing: rut
r.ing: thinking, teaching, laughing
r.ing: happy new year
r.ing: in the midst of chaos - hope prevails