DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Recoup Step by step and day by day, keep on #moving in #money’s way. ~ Doc Reo #WhosGotMyMoney #10X #MakeMoves #Believe #Retrieve #Achieve #Succeed #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Remind Success can only be achieved if you #believe and #retrieve. ~ Doc Reo #ThursdayThoughts #10X #MakeMoves
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Retell #Truth Will Grant You the #Freedom to Be You ~ Doc Reo #TuesdayTips #10X #MakeMoves #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Rework Time to Get Your #Side #Hustle On! Find out what it takes to #start your own #business with this FREE Ebook. Get Your Free Copy of Private Label Right Material Today! Image by Austin Distel @Unsplash
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Relate It takes our #strength and #willpower to persevere through fear. ~ Doc Reo #MondayMotivation #10X #MakeMoves #Community #LivingInUnity
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Recite It is fatal to enter an war without the #will to #win it. - Douglas MacArthur #TuesdayTips #FindYourWill #10X #MakeMoves
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Revise Time to figure it out! #Market #yourself through #SocialMedia. Don’t know how? Get the Top 10 Social Media Marketing #Resources Report for FREE Find out what you’ve been missing. #SocialMediaMarketing #10X #Mak
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Result With the right amount of #persistence all dreams come #true. ~ Doc Reo #MondayMotivation #10X #MakeMoves #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Reread Life is too short to be #living somebody else's #dream. - Hugh Hefner #ThursdayThoughts #10X #MakeMoves
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): The problem with thinking #outsidethebox is sometimes you have to #think #insidethebox to #see around the corners. ~ Doc Reo #WednesdayWisdom #10X #MakeMoves
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Reseed Missed the #CrowdMusic webinars and artists series? Call In and Get the Insiders Tools for Building Your Music Crowd. Only @CrowdMusic #Promoter317 #DocReo #CrowdMusic
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Reborn A #dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes #sweat, #determination, and #hardwork - Colin Powell #10X #MakeMoves #FridayFeeling
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Replay Did you miss the #PierceCollege 2018 Speech Tournament? Listen to it Now @KPCRadio Radio show hosted by #DocReo #DocReoRadio Image by @DocReo_TM
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Redo Get #Started Today! Grab your 100% #Free Report of the Top 10 Social Media #Marketing Resources Find out what you’ve been missing. #SocialMediaMarketing #10X #MakeMoves
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Redeem Good, #better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your #good is better and your better is #best. - St. Jerome #MondayMotivation #10X #MakeMoves Image by Rosie Kerr @Upsplash
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Recite Always #better right #now than tomorrow or yesterday. ~ Doc Reo #MondayMotivation #10X #MakeMoves #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Redraw #Creativity has a #way of finding its authors. ~ Doc Reo #TuesdayTips #10X #MakeMoves #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Remind Nothing can have #value without being an object of #utility. - Karl Marx #10X #worth #service #WednesdayWisdom
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #History #repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. - Karl Marx #WednesdayWisdom #10X #MakeMoves Image by Daniel H. Tong | @unsplash
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Retell Big #Booyah! 4 #Degrees, a CSU #Certification, and a #PierceCollegePin #10X #MakeMoves #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Relive Voyage to the unknown and #enjoy #imagination. ~ Doc Reo #WednesdayWisdom #10X #MakeMoves #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Regrow #LetGo of the struggle; #follow the sun even when confusion comes. ~ Doc Reo #MondayMotivation #10X #MakeMoves #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): Don’t forget to get out there and #vote. #10X #MakeMoves #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): Stay #inspired and keep moving #forward. ~ Doc Reo #10X #MakeMoves #MondayMotivation #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): If it takes three weeks for customers and employees to get a response. Then it's not #good for #business. #Communicate ~ Doc Reo
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Capture the moment before the #moment captures you ~ Doc Reo #10X #MakeMoves #Docisms #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): Within everything that has ever been created; there is beauty. Have a wonderful day knowing that you have created life itself.
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Repetition takes #Perseverance #10X #MakeMoves
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): A #mind without #direction is just as dangerous as an idle brain. ~ Doc Reo #10X #MakeMoves #TuesdayTips
DJ Doc Reo (Rico Warilla): #Creativity has a way of finding its #authors. ~ Doc Reo #10X #MakeMoves #MondayMotivation