mariamarutska: Detail Bubblegum Pillow
Trisha Brink Design: Fave new tin over on Etsy in my Ollie Bollen Shop.
Rosa Pomar: sapateiro
peonyandthistle: Antique Lithograph from Hulme, Familiar Garden Flowers, Ruddy Rock Rose
dottie angel: a collection of curiosities...
peonyandthistle: Queen Anne Bone China Tea Set
StitchedInColor: Kimono shoes in patchwork
LolaNova: The Calico Prairie
LolaNova: dresser
lookseebynaomifenton: small town series - penguin
decor8: Liz and Jewels
peonyandthistle: Vintage floral illustration
PinkFriday: My room in spring
BrianinLR: Backporch herbs
deep scarlet: some changes...*
deep scarlet: letting the sunshine in*
deep scarlet: in the afternoon.
deep scarlet: living room*
woodwoolstool: grey garland
found and sewn: glass jars
skinnylaminx: _MG_90740
my little red suitcase: this sweet thrifted blanket
my little red suitcase: makes a pretty stool