Rick.Phillips: At the Farmer's Market
Rick.Phillips: Fall asters
Rick.Phillips: Camphorweed
Rick.Phillips: New York Ironweed
Rick.Phillips: New York Ironweed
Rick.Phillips: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Rick.Phillips: Splendid Clubtail (Gomphurus lineatifrons)
Rick.Phillips: Ashy Clubtail (Phanogomphus lividus)
Rick.Phillips: Blue Corporal
Rick.Phillips: Great Spangled Fritillary
Rick.Phillips: Zebra Swallowtail
Rick.Phillips: Fancy decorations on a bridge in Hancock County, Tennessee
Rick.Phillips: Unicorn Clubtail
Rick.Phillips: Yellow Flag iris
Rick.Phillips: Street photography
Rick.Phillips: Grad students collecting Gambusia (a fish) for a research project
Rick.Phillips: Southern Appalachian Forest
Rick.Phillips: Gang's all here
Rick.Phillips: Coming and going
Rick.Phillips: Pearl Cresent Butterfly
Rick.Phillips: Mom's flowers are blooming.
Rick.Phillips: Blue-headed Vireo
Rick.Phillips: Big ferns, little ferns...all kinds of ferns
Rick.Phillips: Prairie Warbler
Rick.Phillips: Northern Parula
Rick.Phillips: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Rick.Phillips: Top of the mountain
Rick.Phillips: Downtown mural
Rick.Phillips: Abandoned Tracks
Rick.Phillips: Blue Grosbeak