rickp: BP & Vaio back from the Global Challenge
rickp: Pindar with followers
rickp: Old Castle Point
rickp: Alum Bay
rickp: A recent fall at Alum Bay
rickp: Chairlift for those who don't like the steps
rickp: Alum Bay is famour for its coloured sands
rickp: The raft at Swanage - Trogdor, Phaeton and Rib
rickp: Swanage
rickp: Swanage Pier
rickp: Light at night
rickp: Mandy with the sunset
rickp: Swanage in the morning
rickp: Swanage
rickp: Morning sun on the sea
rickp: IMG_2893.JPG
rickp: Lunch outside Newtown Creek
rickp: Geoff, Mandy and Andrew
rickp: Geoff in Dragonfly
rickp: After a QUICK spin
rickp: Me!
rickp: Mandy
rickp: Emma
rickp: Andrew
rickp: Another Andrew
rickp: And 2 Mandys
rickp: The Osbourne Bay Boat Park
rickp: So much sail, so little wind...