rickp: Chesterfield Reef
rickp: The pass into the inner harbour
rickp: Amanu Harbour
rickp: North Amanu
rickp: The Navel
rickp: The Mairie
rickp: Amanu Pass
rickp: Don's magic trailer
rickp: New transoms
rickp: Eastern side of Trinidad
rickp: Lunchtime on the Taste of Trini tour
rickp: Guess what it is...
rickp: Cow Heel Soup
rickp: Breakfast on Taste of Trini tour
rickp: Refitting windows
rickp: Window refit
rickp: Sealant
rickp: Covered
rickp: DSC_0154
rickp: DSC_0152
rickp: DSC_0141
rickp: Cathedral
rickp: Washed up
rickp: IMG_0819
rickp: IMG_0818
rickp: DSC_0128
rickp: DSC_0123
rickp: Burning
rickp: DSC_0118
rickp: DSC_0115