Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: It never did fit in my pocket like my iPhone
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Keep it classy. #alterimage #elegantwithattitude #syracusephotographer #syracuseweddingphotographer #syracuse
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: A perfect match commercial photography & martinis. 😉 #syracuse #syracusephotographer #commercial #rickneedleadvertisingphotography
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Madison loves moms new car!
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: #elegantwithattitude #alterimage #syracuse #syracusephotographer #syracusephotography #rickneedle #photoshoot #wedding
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Feeling very thankful for my network ad agency friends that have kept me busy over the past 27 years shooting for a respectable list of corporations. From our family to yours a humble thank you.
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Go Orange! #syracuse #SU #syracusephotography #syracusephotographer #commercial #alterimage
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Breakfast with princess Madison.
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Looking forward to a rocking 2016 season that breaks last years record of 76 weddings. Give Dava Needle a call to check availability, she runs the show. #alterimage #syracusephotographer #syracuse #syracusephotography #elegantwithattitude
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Happy St. Patrick's day! #commercial #syracusephotographer #syracuse #advertising #alterimage
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Bread and butter commercial. #commercial #rickneedleadvertisingphotography #syracusephotographer #syracuse #syracusephotography #advertising
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: I'm very proud of my son's for helping us expand into the photo booth market. With shooting over 75 weddings a year we couldn't have done it without some family help. #photobooth #syracusephotographer #alterimage #syracuse #photooftheday
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Silhouettes with style. #syracusephotographer #commercial #syracuse #alterimage #advertising #rickneedle
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Anyone else miss that sweet smell of Polaroid? #commercial #4x5 #viewcamera #sinar #syracuse #syracusephotographer
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: A commercial photographers "stand in" model. #commercial #picoftheday #syracusephotographer #syracuse
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Digging the aura around our new Radiant Photo Booth kiosk! #syracusephotographer #syracuse #alterimage #radiantphotobooth #picoftheday #photobooth
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Branding is our style. #commercial #syracusephotographer #syracuse #rickneedle #picoftheday #advertising
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Diversity is the secret. #commercial #food #wedding #people #syracusephotography #syracusephotographer #alterimage #syracuse #rickneedle
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Go Orange! #commercial #photooftheday #syracusephotographer #syracusephotography #alterimage #syracuse
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Making simple silhouettes look sexy. #commercial #syracusephotography #syracusephotographer #alterimage #photooftheday
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Silhouette with style. ; ). #commercial #photooftheday #alterimage #syracusephotographer #syracusephotography
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Showcasing a bit of diversity with some old school commercial food photography. #commercial #syracusephotography #syracusephotographer #syracuse #alterimage #photooftheday
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Light painting, boss level ; ) lit only with a flashlight. #syracusephotographer #syracusephotography #syracuse #commercial #alterimage
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Last meeting of the year for a new client, let's book this. #alterimage #syracuse #syracusephotography #studio #syracusephotographer
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: #commercial #ad #photo #photooftheday #cover #flashback
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: #syracusephotographer #commercial #advertising #syracuse #syracusephotography #rickneedle #photooftheday
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: #photooftheday #commercial #advertising #syracusephotographer #syracuse
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: #commercial #syracusephotographer #advertising #photoshoot #photooftheday #light
Rick Needle Syracuse NY Photographer: Today is a good day for a tall glass of wine...