RickJO1: The look of fear
RickJO1: The look of fear
RickJO1: Before and after
RickJO1: After
RickJO1: Before
RickJO1: John Kershaw
RickJO1: Original photograph by Major Wilfred Herbert James Sale, MC, 3rd/4th County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters), World War Two, North Africa, 1943. "c" Company 3rd County of London Yeomanry Sharpshooters in the Libyan Dessert, December 1943.
RickJO1: my15-001
RickJO1: grandadH1a
RickJO1: AlfredKershaw1863
RickJO1: AlfredKershaw1863ab
RickJO1: Hannah and Alfred Kershaw original
RickJO1: HannahAlfredKMK1
RickJO1: Alice Kershaw circa 1920's
RickJO1: Alice Kershaw circa 1920's original
RickJO1: Elizabeth Kershaw circa 1920's original
RickJO1: Elizabeth Kershaw circa 1920's
RickJO1: m10006
RickJO1: m10004
RickJO1: m10003
RickJO1: m10002
RickJO1: m10001
RickJO1: Scan of the original
RickJO1: Gran aged 13 in 1923.
RickJO1: Betsy
RickJO1: DSC_6430
RickJO1: Dancing Girls
RickJO1: DSC_6370
RickJO1: DSC_6390ab