Doublebar: Olive-backed Sunbird (Nectarinia jugularis)
Chris Wiley2008: Painted Honeyeater
CampaspeBirdo: Rufous Whistler
John D McKenna: That Sunday feeling...
Jennie Stock: Bandit on alert
Glenn Bartley - Lemon-throated Barbet - 01
M V Shreeram: World's Smallest Eagle
scuze a me: Red rumped parrot
Maplegum65: House Finch
Jennie Stock: Mulga portrait
Profiles of Nature: wilson's warbler ballet
Jen St. Louis: Norbert in Christmas Colours
Jim McCree: Pine Grosbeak
steve happ: Yellow Rosella
chowchilla: White-fronted Chat
Profiles of Nature: semipalmated plover
Chris.Kookaburra: Orange-footed Scrubfowl
Maplegum65: female Downy Woodpecker
Jennie Stock: Blue offering
Jennie Stock: Peregrine Falcon at Coalseam
maia bird: Peregrine fly-by
John Wolf Photography: Rainbow Bee-eater
wendysalisbury: Gannet in flight ….
beeater: Eastern Rosella - Platycercus eximus
David Cook Wildlife Photography: Collared Kingfisher (Todiramphus chloris)
Glenn Bartley - Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus)
Jim McCree: Northern Parula #2
Chris Wiley2008: Grey Shrike-thrush
CampaspeBirdo: Grey Fantail
John D McKenna: Perranuthnoe