Click de Kika: Guatemala
crafty1tutu (Ann): Colourful butterfly
Silvans Cat: Quasi goccia 1
MPhotographe: Cimetière
neandercol: Bubbles
fifer1812: Evening's Arrival in the Tetons
fifer1812: Sunrise on Morman Row
fifer1812: wyomingweb-0879
fifer1812: wyomingweb-9384
sherrydigitalphotos: Photographer at Work
crafty1tutu (Ann): Summer is just around the corner
Mael21: Mirada de Leopardo(Panthera pardus)
Gaileen Kaufman: newportsunset
enfi: Path to the Lighthouse
SirDuke2k: Leaf Poster
Nature Shooter: Close up of squirrel
crafty1tutu (Ann): Beautiful Dahlias
fifer1812: Summer Delight
sherrydigitalphotos: Red Sky at Night
cordfish: traffic lights
Jeanie's Pics: Golden Center
fifer1812: Spring at Blackledge Falls_3
Shaelasmomma: IMG_0625
4130 Photo: IMG_4368
fifer1812: Dream Lake_1
Photopressions: Early Morning Rain-086
Photopressions: Chrome sky-040-B