dollyfan1: What the...
dollyfan1: Before it all melts
dollyfan1: Around the World In a Day
dollyfan1: Love Hangover
fashion dolls: Poppy Parker. Hot dots, Lilac Frost,Beatnik Blues, Day Tripper
partymonstrrrr: Upside-down (you're turnin' me)
eifel85, eifel doll dress: yacht time with Nikki
eifel85, eifel doll dress: before the show
partymonstrrrr: TAGGED! "My First Integrity Girl"
eifel85, eifel doll dress: My Vanessa Out Sass : Hey!!! sista go sista soul sista flow sista!!!
daria.lvovsky: Needle Felted Wool Animals- chipmunk- Soft sculpture-Collectible artist animals -needle felt by Daria Lvovsky
adore62: Bedlington Terrier,needle felted
仏教美術 念佛宗(念仏宗)The: 彫刻 Sculpture - Japanese Garden&Art - 念佛宗(念仏宗無量寿寺) 兵庫県加東市
K A J I: Needle felted Hippo
FELTOOHLALA: mansara doll
Linda Brike: Arizona Animals , needle felted wool art necklace
Linda Brike: American Buffalo, needle felted wool ball
whatnomints: Red Fox
Miss Thundercat: Contours done but I think I'm gonna need more beer to finish up the leafs!
bettycat: 牛是佛
chasecc: Sharon Needles on Rupaul drag race
meropespaniel: Sharon Needles
Kyle J. Letendre: Sharon Needles, Ep. 2
Madr@t: Luxx Hiss !!!
hine: Postcard Set
Claudette ♥ off chasing rainbows ☼: Mystic Miel - full-set Ordered!
DesertHeatImages: Raven_0630
davegolden: RuPaul