RGS-IBG: The Changing Face of the Earth
RGS-IBG: The range of methods for dating sediments has increased greatly.
RGS-IBG: Monitoring and dating landscape change.
RGS-IBG: Global environmental change has always affected the Earth's land surface and has been the subject of many geomorphological investigations, but today is of even greater interest.
RGS-IBG: Future challenges
RGS-IBG: In recent decades geomorphology has become more dedicated to specific applied problems, such as flood defence.
RGS-IBG: Geomorphological research has become increasingly multidisciplinary involving collaboration with scientists from other disciplines.
RGS-IBG: Geomorphological studies of environmental hazards.
RGS-IBG: Natural systems exhibit many natural analogues: in this case, a branching stream network, and the structure of a leaf.
RGS-IBG: GIS has enabled great strides to be made in geomorphological analysis.
RGS-IBG: Models have always underpinned geomorphological enquiry.
RGS-IBG: The last 50 years of geomorphology have been shaken by the opportunities offered by remote sensing – and further positive developments have yet to come.
RGS-IBG: Plane tabling in extreme conditions
RGS-IBG: Linking processes and landforms can be achieved by long-term monitoring.
RGS-IBG: A major focus of process geomorphology has been unravelling the physics of processes, quantifying the rates at which they occur and describing them using models that allow us to simulate landform development and make predictions.
RGS-IBG: Fieldwork and experimentation have always been a key part of geomorphological enquiry.
RGS-IBG: Mapping to provide a permanent record of the character of the face of the Earth was the reason for bringing geomorphologists together 50 years ago to form the BGRG.
RGS-IBG: UK geomorphologists have made, and continue to make, substantial contributions to the measurement, understanding and modelling of the forces and stresses applied to Earth surface materials.
RGS-IBG: Determining flow patterns in nearshore rip currents using GPS drifters.
RGS-IBG: Great advances in monitoring and dating, in remote sensing and in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have also enabled significant advances in modelling.
RGS-IBG: Enormous changes in techniques available over the last 50 years have revolutionised how the Earth’s surface is studied.
RGS-IBG: Today it is possible to have analysis in real time with data represented in increasingly vivid and striking ways.
RGS-IBG: Fifty years ago the only way that detailed information on the Earth’s land surface could be obtained was by field survey.
RGS-IBG: The Band-e Amir Lakes in the Hindu Kush Mountains of Afghanistan.
RGS-IBG: Pashtun warrior, Hindu Kush Mountains, Afghanistan.
RGS-IBG: The British Army in Afghanistan 1879 - 1881.
RGS-IBG: Pumping station 'Lely' in the Wieringermeer polder.
RGS-IBG: Farms in the Noordoost polder.
RGS-IBG: Colonial & Money Dresses
RGS-IBG: Colonial Dress