R. Murphy Photography: Great Curassow "Female Barred Morph"
R. Murphy Photography: Squirrel Cuckoo
R. Murphy Photography: Streak-Headed Woodcreeper
R. Murphy Photography: Green Honeycreeper - Male
R. Murphy Photography: Rufous-Winged Woodpecker
R. Murphy Photography: Collared Aracari (Toucan) in Flight
R. Murphy Photography: Bay-Headed Tanager
R. Murphy Photography: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
R. Murphy Photography: Great Kiskadee
R. Murphy Photography: Great Green Macaws
R. Murphy Photography: Crimson-Collared Tanager
R. Murphy Photography: Black-Cheeked Woodpecker
R. Murphy Photography: Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
R. Murphy Photography: Yellow-throated Toucan
R. Murphy Photography: Yellow-throated Toucan
R. Murphy Photography: Great Curassow (Female)
R. Murphy Photography: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
R. Murphy Photography: Scarlet-rumped Tanager
R. Murphy Photography: Blue-gray Tanager
R. Murphy Photography: Red-headed Barbet
R. Murphy Photography: Collared Aracari (Toucan)
R. Murphy Photography: Green Hermit - Female Hummingbird
R. Murphy Photography: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
R. Murphy Photography: Collared Aracari (Toucan)
R. Murphy Photography: Buff Throated Saltator
R. Murphy Photography: Blue Grosbeak in the Meadow
R. Murphy Photography: Osprey - Catch of a lifetime!
R. Murphy Photography: Yellow Warbler