ghrn: #minecraft #quilt mapped and fabric cut. Will star chain piecing tomorrow!
ghrn: Woohoo!! Another #projectlinus #quilt finished ! I am burning through this WIP list. #nonewprojectsaugust
ghrn: An actual #projectlinus finish !! I am so behind on my goal for the year. This is number 5 out of 12.
ghrn: #Fraunhofer lines quilted bound and crinkled. #quilting #scienceisfun
ghrn: My office, today only. #workingfromhome #decoratingwithquilts #hexies
ghrn: Detail on pastel rainbow quilt #eiffeltower
ghrn: #pastelrainbow little girl quilt done. In on weekend knocked out 3, almost 4 wips. #nolife
ghrn: Finished these twin baby boy quilts. #pleasedaspunch
ghrn: !!!! @lululollylegs THIS IS AMAZING !! Hand quilting, Carolyn Friedlander, echino, the adorable appliqué !!! Thank you SO much - I can't believe it's mine !! And I LOVE the fabric extras. #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap #makeaquiltmakeafriend
ghrn: Look at this AMAZING FG bundle a friend from work brought me back from CO !! So sweet. This is a good day !! #fabricaddict
ghrn: It's here !!!!. Picture sent to me by my husband - can't wait to be done with work so I can go home and open it !!! Thanks, partner - so looking forward to finding out who you are !!! #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap
ghrn: Binding while watching My So Called Life with my awesome stepdaughter.
ghrn: Finished top started at #kcmqg @vchristenson workshop. Thanks for a great class !!! #vandco
ghrn: Big plans tomorrow morning because of an awesome fat quarter bundle from @idontdodishes #dayoff #fabricaddict
ghrn: Big plans tomorrow morning because of an awesome fat quarter bundle from @idontdodishes #dayoff #fabricaddict
ghrn: One out of two quilts finished for a friend having twin boys. Phew!! A lot of work, but worth it. And I used up SO MANY scraps.
ghrn: #twinsies
ghrn: Baby boy quilt center done.
ghrn: I think I really hate it. But only three more rows. Maybe once it's all done it will be better.
ghrn: #pastelrainbow
ghrn: I have exercised, showered, and breakfasted. Now for an amazing day if sewing. Before Monday hits, hope to have two #projectlinus quilts completed. The bird with a beret is a good start. #eiffeltower #sewingusfun
ghrn: IMG_0266
ghrn: For @scorpnac
ghrn: Yay !!! Love these !!! Received from Laurie, Donna, and Jenn. Catching up today, hopefully sending this week.
ghrn: Hope she likes it !! #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap #makeaquiltmakeafriend
ghrn: So happy with this. #husbandwingspan
ghrn: Starting to love this. #irishchain
ghrn: #charmpackcherry quilted and installed in living room