renilane: Studio antics with @sambisbee.
renilane: Prepping dance moves for Nightmare Lane CMJ week! @nightmareandcat
renilane: Awesome new photo by @paradisebought....
renilane: Getting ready to sing for 7 HOURS at Helen Yurmak' show. Models prepping....
renilane: About to start the Nordic New York NYFW show...hope I remember all my musical cues!
renilane: Amazing mature tropical throwback pieces at Erin Fetherston....
renilane: Rehearsing with these weirdos.
renilane: This is probably the most "vibe-y" awesome glamour stage I will ever play (@Foley+Corinna)
renilane: Um I show up to the tents ready to relax but now I am walking the Richie Rich show?
renilane: Causing trouble at Le Bain w/ Cassie....
renilane: PRIMATES
renilane: Our current rehearsal space. NYC 2010.
renilane: New band photo shoot today. Lasted about 10 minutes and then we went to look for icies.
renilane: Awesome photo of @sambisbee and I singing "Beautiful Day" at Irish Rock Revue 2010, NYC.
renilane: WNYC Show with Sam Bisbee
renilane: New Inspiration Board
renilane: Milwaukee...went to a stranger's birthday party, played music all night, and watched the sun rise by a campfire.
renilane: Happy Memorial Day!! Xoxo Reni
renilane: Soundchecking at Bardot, sounds amazing, feels amazing, looks amazing!
renilane: Sung to the tune of "Drive"....600 feet at 6 A.Mmmmmmm!
renilane: Overheard at Three of Clubs... "You ready to pay that tab or what?"
renilane: The view outside my headed to the Echo to see Jason from Longwave!
renilane: Steve tried to get me to make a Sid Vicious face, this was the best I could do.
renilane: The String Fellow Hawks arrive happy and healthy in NYC.
renilane: On our day off in NYC, Eric made friends with strangers on the subway...
renilane: Reni Lane and String Fellow Hawks in Charlottesville doing radio promo.
renilane: A trip to The Museum of Natural History is not complete without Shake Shack burgers and a photo by the 81st street subway mural.
renilane: For clarification, our show tonight has been moved to HOTEL UTAH in San Francisco. 9 PM set!
renilane: Stayed over in Reno last night at Pepermill Casino. Could never tell what time it was.
renilane: "Don't let the blues make you bad," sings Frank Sinatra. Living in a Kerouac dream.