ashi: .
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turntable00000: squirrel or bear
Mauro Leite: Beer tasting
kevin mcneal: Badwater In Death Valley National Park
kevin mcneal: Convict Lake Blues
kevin mcneal: Palouse Winter Shadows
kevin mcneal: Almost Palouse Time Again
kevin mcneal: Mount St Helens Wildflowers
madlyinlovewithlife: Enchanting Prairiescape
ashi: Shoe shine
ashi: It's not like he can die from lung cancer... or anything else for that matter...
ashi: "Crazy" from the Grandfathers MC
ashi: Smokin' & talkin' tattoo
Lee Sie: Rainy Day at Scripps Pier
Brandon Skinner: Church Of Nativity
Otd 7 // Photography: "Bulles de Citron"
Otd 7 // Photography: Eclaire-nous
Otd 7 // Photography: Urban Perspective
-dubliner-: stranded