ShutterJack: A Way Through - FlickrTurns19
Thomas Leuthard: El Ron de Cuba
simgre67: IMG_4432
simgre67: IMG_5951
simgre67: IMG_4056-3
simgre67: IMG_6819 copie
bschaefers: HavanaPassenger
Kakuma Photography: 一鴨三吃
d26b73: UnderTheStreets (Munich Westfriedhof)
Nikon France: Nikon D4 Joe McNally
Nikon France: Bobby with Cab
Nikon France: Deniro and Cab with Graffiti
selmanphotos: Thoughtful Discussion
Justin Kenneth Rowley: Origins Of Oregon
Wet Dog Studios: Gee Bee Super QED II - B&W Infrared
Mark Fearnley Photography: It's a small world. (Part2)
GeePena Photographer: Playing with bubbles
GeePena Photographer: Machinerie
Thomas Hawk: But to Be in Your Arms
_kentmacdonald: 193/365 "Hit The Road and Bite The Dust"
GeePena Photographer: Very busy metro
Wet Dog Studios: North American P-51B
Grylography: Varanasi, India
Wet Dog Studios: Grumman F8F Bearcat
nikosaliagas: L'ombre d'un grand #BonanniversaireMrAznavour #91ans #Mythe #interview ce soir 18:00 dans #50minside #Portraiten5dates @tf1