Flickr: Blending painterly elements with photography: “When I see people moving up real close to have a look at my work, just to see if it’s a photograph or a painting… honestly, I just love it!”, says fine art photographer, Ellen McDermott. “I love the...
bruce-p: Fireplace
blech​: Fireplace
A single day: londra novembre 2012-502
iSalv: **Three sisters**
mommyster: Sleeping Beauty's Castle
andreas.thomet: Winter in Grindelwald
Shane Jones: Grovely Wood
scott in sf: Foggy Afternoon at the Golden Gate
Thankful!: Tenaya dawn
land[e]scape: Winter
masahiro miyasaka: ☆Christmas Stars Diamond☆
Habub3: Winter in Finland
Batikart: Fourth Sunday in Advent
boopsie.daisy: Christmissy
Jason_Combs: My Magical Christmas
++NiklasPhotography++: Wind Energy...