reliena: Get Cape. Wear Cape. Meow.
reliena: Bobo birthday
reliena: heehee
reliena: robolover
reliena: 104_1894
reliena: 104_1892
reliena: 104_1890
reliena: Chihuly glass in the Bellagio
reliena: I'll take Sienna Miller's money, no prob!
reliena: Detail shot
reliena: Sideview
reliena: Backview
reliena: Nightie night?
reliena: Foggy Hogtown
reliena: Amanda on Algonquin Island
reliena: Tarana
reliena: Amanda and her adoptive city
reliena: Take two, without proper horizon consideration
reliena: Me and my city
reliena: But I do a better job
reliena: Melissa does her best to take a flattering shot of me
reliena: Melissa helps herself to a G&T
reliena: Cutting the cheese...cake
reliena: Ania and Ralph in their gorgeous Indian reception outfits
reliena: Saying their vows
reliena: Me and my wedding date (savior) Melissa
reliena: As the documents are signed...
reliena: Some guys have all the luck
reliena: See?
reliena: The beautiful bride and the unflattering Lindsay