relaxphoto: transience
relaxphoto: Medium format
relaxphoto: blue/pink/green
relaxphoto: Sakura are blossoming
relaxphoto: ZENZANON 100mm
relaxphoto: Many thanks
relaxphoto: Pray For Japan
relaxphoto: out of focus
relaxphoto: strawberry
relaxphoto: 55BUCKS COFFEE
relaxphoto: promenade with camera
relaxphoto: Spotlight
relaxphoto: Kamen Riders
relaxphoto: snow & camellia
relaxphoto: autumn foliage
relaxphoto: jump!!!!
relaxphoto: shade
relaxphoto: one afternoon
relaxphoto: another world
relaxphoto: between the light
relaxphoto: bathe in the sun
relaxphoto: blue blue
relaxphoto: radiant
relaxphoto: profile
relaxphoto: kimono
relaxphoto: first contact
relaxphoto: sleep peacefully
relaxphoto: Shine*
relaxphoto: michikusa001