glen pepin: Tree dressing 2020…
glen pepin: Ben eating his lunch while enjoying an episode of Octonauts. I know that the eyes look oversharpened but it’s not me -it’s the fantastic 56mm f/1.2. As usual, these are jpegs out of the camera with very little processing.
glen pepin: Some shot of the family so that i could try some settings baked into jpegs. Still not fond of “grain”…
glen pepin: Cottage photos from March.
glen pepin: A weekend at the family cottage after the final big snowstorm of the season was just the break required. Snowmen, sled run and a fort were all created and used in between good meals and walks around the lake.
glen pepin: After improving briefly, Owen, our youngest had trouble breathing and cried all night last night and no one slept (except Ben, our 3 year old). It has been a tough year and will be a tough day. Jen will take Owen to the doctor today while I go to work. I
glen pepin: Weekend shots. X-T2 jpegs edit lightly on my phone before posting.
glen pepin: iPhone snap edited in Snapseed. Toughest part was finding a spot on the window between the rainbeads.
glen pepin: Post nap snap. X-T2 JPEG lightly edited on Snapseed on iPhone.
glen pepin: I took Ben to see my Mum in her residence yesterday, as has become our new habit. It was a difficult conflict of two of the most demanding aspects of my life. Ben is non stop energy constantly asking to do something else while my Mum is is now struggling
glen pepin: Impromptu jam...
glen pepin: Impromptu jam...
glen pepin: Impromptu jam...
glen pepin: My dad died on Father’s Day. My mum has been very sick since just before that time and today we placed her in a home. Although there is some relief in this, it’s just another hard step in what has been an arduous journey. We are not at home tonight and on
glen pepin: Merry Christmas…
glen pepin: I spent some time with Mum yesterday. I took her out for tea (she had hot chocolate…).
glen pepin: Gingerbread.
glen pepin: Jen and Ben made gingerbred men while Owen napped and my Mum and I watched on…
glen pepin: Owen.
glen pepin: The Playgroup at a local church is a great thing…
glen pepin: Some shots from our family reunion trip to New Brunswick this summer.
glen pepin: Going through some old photos. These are from the weekend that Jen and i got enegaged in 2012. The duck was our constant companion on the dock…
glen pepin: Ben this morning
glen pepin: Morning walk from the train.
glen pepin: at lunch today…
glen pepin: At lunch today: The whole island seem to have been under construction for months…
glen pepin: at lunch today
glen pepin: Mum and Owen four days after was born. This picture makes me realize how much has changed in little more than a year.
glen pepin: An old shot from Sept 2014. this parking lot is no longer there…
glen pepin: Foggy morning lake shot from the cottage. Labour Day weekend 2016.