Eric Gofreed: Western bluebird
Eric Gofreed: Common merganser - hen
Eric Gofreed: The Odd Couple
William Tanneberger: Cardinalidae : Cardinalis cardinalis - female Northern Cardinal
Eric Gofreed: Yellow-throated toucan
Eric Gofreed: the Verdin and the Warbler
Eric Gofreed: Resplendent quetzal
Eric Gofreed: Montezuma Oropendola
Eric Gofreed: Royal Tern
Eric Gofreed: Summer Tanager (male)
Eric Gofreed: Desert Firetail (Telebasis salva)
Eric Gofreed: Scarlet Macaw
Eric Gofreed: Yellow Paper Wasp (Polistes flavus)
Eric Gofreed: Rridgway's rail
Eric Gofreed: Pyrrhuloxia
Eric Gofreed: Scott's Oriole (male)
Eric Gofreed: Gilded Flicker
Eric Gofreed: Rufous Hummingbirds face off
Eric Gofreed: I know exactly how the Cardinal feels
Eric Gofreed: Eagle Rock
Eric Gofreed: Sharing the yucca
IIIfbIII: Rauchschwalben
Alan Kesselhaut: Keuka-Trees-at-night
Alan Gore: PC295659.jpg
Alan Kesselhaut: Gullfoss Bridge, Iceland-001
Alan Kesselhaut: Sky-Harber-Airport
Alan Kesselhaut: The-Glass-Blower
Alan Kesselhaut: Chicago-Restaurant
Alan Kesselhaut: New York City (19 of 19)