Roger Kiel: Crowded like our national parks
Roger Kiel: Walking an historic split in the earth
Roger Kiel: Views along all the paths were beautiful
Roger Kiel: Typical area adjacent to the walkways
Roger Kiel: Park guide quite willing to tell us whatever he wanted to
Roger Kiel: Gudmunder has his turn
Roger Kiel: Delightful streams along the way
Roger Kiel: Same stream
Roger Kiel: Again
Roger Kiel: We were there
Roger Kiel: Geysir emitting
Roger Kiel: Gang at Gullfoss
Roger Kiel: Madeline happy to be at Gullfoss
Roger Kiel: Elliotte at Gullfoss
Roger Kiel: Gullfoss again
Roger Kiel: Somewhat more actuate representation of reality while we were there
Roger Kiel: Gullfoss allows visitors to go up close and personal
Roger Kiel: Dehaze shot
Roger Kiel: Another dehaze shot
Roger Kiel: Commercial Icelandic photo stop.
Roger Kiel: Small waterfall with a fish ladder
Roger Kiel: Video to provide more "feel"