lysa flower: Today I plan to sew like a mother trucker! Starting now. 9:40am
lysa flower: Translation for non-sewers. This pile of tiny cut fabric means progress! Day two of sewing like a "Mother Trucker!"
lysa flower: This is the working plan. Still sewing like a "Mother Trucker" day two 12:47pm
lysa flower: #sewinglikeamothertrucker day three. This where I left it yesterday at 4:23pm. It's now 6:48am. Time to giver!
lysa flower: #sewinglikeamothertrucker 11:46am. Almost done, one more cassette to piece... Well, then there's the piecing of the background and the whole quilting and binding thing to do. So ya pretty much done 😜
lysa flower: Still #sewinglikeamothertrucker 6:04pm.
lysa flower: Must... keep... #sewinglikeamothertrucker ... Almost done all the piecing😳
lysa flower: I was #sewinglikeamothertrucker until 10:41pm last night. It's 6:30am the next day and I'm ready to giver again!
lysa flower: #sewinglikeamothertrucker 7:54am getting ready to quilt this bad boy.
lysa flower: In my #sewinglikeamothertrucker brain this is a good idea. I'm just going to go for it. 8:06am.
lysa flower: #sewinglikeamothertrucker ROUND TWO. Thank you everyone for the TRUCKING AWESOME comments, you guys ROCK!
lysa flower: Going anywhere near this with a blade just seems wrong. #sewinglikeamothertrucker 5:31pm
lysa flower: Two empty spools, one dull blade, one empty roll of tape, one new ball of tape, ridiculous amounts of scraps... well, I guess that's what you get when you're #sewinglikeamothertrucker
lysa flower: The money shot! #sewinglikeamothertrucker is exhausting. Did I mention I have to pack for San Francisco (leaving tomorrow at 9am).