Red Mum: Stoneybatter
Red Mum: A start of school year mass and someone got a prayer of the faithful (I think lol) and then lost it on the street!
Red Mum: Big ship, little ship #kusadasi
Red Mum: DSC_6695
Red Mum: DSC_6647
Red Mum: DSC_6642
Red Mum: DSC_6619
Red Mum: DSC_5815
Red Mum: DSC_5777
Red Mum: DSC_5656
Red Mum: DSC_6166
Red Mum: Kusadasi sunset
Red Mum: DSC_5985
Red Mum: Kusdasi sunset
Red Mum: DSC_6280
Red Mum: DSC_6280BW
Red Mum: DSC_5815
Red Mum: DSC_5777
Red Mum: At the mosque
Red Mum: Prayer time
Red Mum: Garda car with 'no fonts' :) @broadsheet_ie
Red Mum: Loving @emroco in the Workmans as part of #10daysinDublin
Red Mum: Lone rosary woman at the dail today, praying thro lots and lots of candle wax
Red Mum: Love these gate shadows! #stoneybatter #dublin #ireland
Red Mum: Delighted with my window boxes :)
Red Mum: O'D's
Red Mum: Could stay and look out the window all day :)
Red Mum: Lovely lovely views
Red Mum: JFK exhibition
Red Mum: JFK exhibition