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albums of lardus
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2013-11-09 Belsay Hall
Misc nice
Beltane 2010 setup
2011-05-18 Typography for AH website
Misc B+W 2010/2011
Beltane Picnic 2010 - on the meadows
2010-08-22 Botanic Garden Macros Edinburgh
Edinburgh Winterness - Jan 2010
Tentsmuir 2009
Aberystwyth, Wales
BPD practice on Calton Hill, with added beasties
2009-03-14 Hopetoun House conservation
2008-09-28 kitchen work
2008-10-04 Wrecked boats on Mull
Video space/time rotation
Ex-men gig, Glasgow, 2008
Masquerade ball, 2008-03-29
Aerial camera from a P-38
Donna's party
Fate plots for Newton-Raphson method
Disgraceland at the Moo Bar
Typography toy
Million point sculptures - again
Misc b/w - Jan 2008
Various b/w, Nov + Dec 2007
Christmas 2007, Newcastle
Some compact fisheye (Sweden, Edinburgh)
Thermalite doodlings
Jack's party
Yellowcraigs beach, Aug 2007
Diane Cluck gig, Aug '07
Wales 2007
Kielder Reservoir
Yellowcraigs Beach
Tyninghame Beach
Jpeg corruption
Wales June 2007
Newcastle, June 2007
Redscale film
B/W 35mm in Lubitel (plus light leak)
Ancient Ilford Film (late 70s)
Lacey, Newcastle
Manual half-frame photography
Back lane action - b/w
Fat Sams nightclub - half demolished
35mm in Holga
Most interesting 44
Edinburgh bus accident
2007-03-03 Lunar Eclipse
Mammatus Cloud, Edinburgh
A few old pics
Complex visualisation
Parquet tilings (one)
Bricked up doorways
Oxgangs Demolition Nov 2006
Autumn Light 2006
4th year report - Relativistic Raytracing
Various notes
webcam chat mike 2006-09-15
Fireworks Concert 2006-09-02
Arturo Brachetti, quick-change artist
Staffa 2006
experiments in colour and motion
barbeque daftness at jacks
Scandanavia June 2006
Vasa Museum in Stockholm
Moishe's Bagel gig 2006-06-03
Supersampler with cross processing
Holga photos
35mm film in Holga
Supersampler photos
Mo paintings exhibition
2006-05-08 Fisheye
long exposure, wide angle, in car
2006-04-05 blueberry + milk
2006-03 snow in spring
Plasma ball
robert+julies 2006-01-26
escheresque one
Martins kittens: Hector and Hamish
cats fighting over resources
cats posturing
Walk on Arthurs Seat 2005-01-01
bkshelf 2005-10
2005-10-01 portobello beach kite flying
2005-09-25 Queenadreena gig at The Venue
2005-09-25 pretty autumnal leaves
travel to east germany 2
travel to east germany 1
black rainbow over edinburgh castle 2005-07-29
birds of prey
b3ta posts
mike carmen wedding celebration ronneburg 2005-07-09
guapo jasmine fight on door
2005-07-24 newcastle
berlin2 2005-07-12
Berlin 1
G8: riot police 2005-06-04
2005-06-11 native state, meadows
Make poverty history
Mercy + band gig at The Doric
2005-06-26 princes street walkabout
Million point sculptures
2005-06-22 martins garden stockbridge
2005-06-21 summer solstice portobello beach
2005-06-19 botanical gardens edinburgh
squared circle
trees and leaves
Cats cats cats
The moon
2005-06-11 edinburgh medical school
2005-06-14 burnt CDs
2005-06-24 glasgow buildings
2005-06-24 skip peeling paint
2004 Lindsay + Colin performance at Edinburgh Book Festival
2005-06-07 guapo jasmine cats
2005-03-15 guapo jasmine in the garden
2004-08-01 aquarium tynemouth
2003 leaves in autumn
2001-11-28 metasense
Glastonbury 2000
scanner project
Nov-Dec 1998 (APS)
1998-11-21 party morrison street
glasonbury 1998
glastonbury 1995
Reading festival 1993
reading 1992
Old university pics