Feathers and Scales: Cave Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Northern Red Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Four-toed Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Northern Red Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Cave Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Southern Zigzag Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Southern Zigzag Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Northern Red Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Northern Red Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Four-toed Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Plethodon mississippi
Feathers and Scales: Northern Red Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Northern Red Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Spotted Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Blue Ridge Spring Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Blue Ridge Spring Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Seal Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Black-chinned Red Salamander larvae
Feathers and Scales: Imitator Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Imitator Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Black-bellied Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Eastern Tiger Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Southern Zigzag Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Spotted Salamanders
Feathers and Scales: Spotted Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Spotted Salamander
Feathers and Scales: Eurycea cirrigera
Feathers and Scales: Ambystoma maculatum
Feathers and Scales: Ambystoma maculatum
Feathers and Scales: Ambystoma maculatum