Sandra Leidholdt: OZ LOVIN' IT!
☽Moon~Goddess~Earth☾: It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home.
titusandlady: properly toilet trained
John 3000: Fear Itself
craigwortman: You want silly
Valpopando: Happy birthday DAVID
linda yvonne: Ambrosial Morning
mx. blight: Half Moon over Center Camp at Burning Man 2008
ansy: Day 321: Just a trim
papaduckys: AAHHH. Smile, it's Friday.
Mr. Moog: 366-227
Lynne Rigby: {{the boys paused}}
romanraetzke: lick me!
oreolla: Lucky catch Pirateship Sunset
maapu: Sunrise Reflection
maapu: Snorkelling with the fishes
Kaj Bjurman: Lettuce Knit
Mr. Moog: 366-225
.MARTINE.: Cat or Bat
Amadika: Contemplation
Tulay Emekli: Heyyy,the moon ! You took me by surprise when I cropped my so called ''useless shot''..Thank you my Kodak CX7330 Zoom! Heyyy ,ay! Bu sözüm ona işe yaramaz resmi ''crop'' ettiğim zaman beni şaşırttın..Teşekkür ederim KodakCX7330 Zoom!
linda yvonne: The Fairytale Cottages of Carmel
dcecil805: Naughty
Jo's Fo's: Walking on Sunshine
*Evelina*: Sabre Toothed Pussy!
nineblue: dazzling
Zsaj: Jungle