// P*: B.
ColourPixie: it's not to finish the dance, it's to dance
Thomas Hawk: And Everything I'd Loved and Feared Had All at Once Disappeared
Photomatt28: Old Singer Sewing Machine
Judd515: Abandoned Singer
nedlugr: The Singer Sphinx
Hawaiian Sea: My Grandmothers Old Singer Sewing Machine
RiaPereira - here but mostly there: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." ~Mark Twain,
climbing the walls: Needle and Thread
Amateur disabled ph'r from Leeds. 9.8m views .: Not a kareoke Singer - Inside a shop in Leeds Victoria quarter.
jacquemart: Shop Window
helenmurray5: Singer Sewing Machine, Museo del Merletto, Burano
Miss M Schneiderhead: Singer silhouette
Dawn Marie Arsenaux: Mt Rainier
manyfires: furries, part four
manyfires: the best mane in iceland
manyfires: dolomiti, part five
manyfires: dolomiti, part three
manyfires: dolomiti, part four
manyfires: adventures with michael, part two
Thomas Hawk: Herby K
Thomas Hawk: And Sometimes You Don't Even Know Why You Loved Her
manyfires: pacific northwest wonderland, part three
manyfires: pacific northwest wonderland, part two
manyfires: pacific northwest wonderland, part four