reCreate Design Company: We might not be winning any safety awards this year. #MakeItWork #diy #2ChicksWithPowerTools
reCreate Design Company: We might npo be winning any safety awards this year. #MakeItWork #diy #2ChicksWithPowerTools
reCreate Design Company: I wonder which one is the black sheep of the family. #blacksheep #swedishroadtrip
reCreate Design Company: Life should always be an outdoor workshop. #reclaimed #wood #reuse
reCreate Design Company: self-portrait. #selfie #swedishimmigrant
reCreate Design Company: Today I'm rebelling against the idea that browns and blacks cannot be worn together! #fashionrebel #mystyle
reCreate Design Company: re.buiders? Or bandits! Another great day for an outside workshop! #diy #reclaimed #recycle #repurpose
reCreate Design Company: How fun and fitting that the ecological grocery has their window adverts on #pallets. Love! #recycle #reuse #repurpose
reCreate Design Company: Giving #scrap #wood the honor it deserves. #reclaimed #diy #göteborg
reCreate Design Company: It's time to let go...of not creating because you don't have the perfect space. This client project is getting upcycled in my living room! #NoMoreExcuses #upcycle
reCreate Design Company: A little paint = a big difference. Too bad it doesn't clean the windows! #upcycle #reuse #redesign
reCreate Design Company: What to do with salvaged metal pieces when your friends tear down their bowling alley machines. #diy #lamps #scrapmetal
reCreate Design Company: Two more bare naked ladies for the cafe project. Wiring lamps from scratch is SO empowering! Watch for a tutorial soon! #diy #lamps #upcycle
reCreate Design Company: Lamps 101 - becomming pros with our own electrical wiring. These bare naked ladies are going to shine in a local cafe - at a secondhand store. The perfect home for them! #diy #lamps
reCreate Design Company: Lördag godis! #swedishculture #riteofpassage
reCreate Design Company: I'd hate to run into the unfriendly ones. #whybother
reCreate Design Company: Stage 2 done. Now I am literally watching paint (and glue) dry. The rest will have to wait until tomorrow.
reCreate Design Company: What would you make with a book if #maps? #diy
reCreate Design Company: A pool on my pool. #rarelyusedthingsinsweden
reCreate Design Company: Ta dah! Her name is Keeper of the Plains. We saved an old architect's chest that was doomed for #scrap and #remade it into an oversized (my favorite way to do things) coffee table for a client. That's their company motto - fair, green, dense. It's an urba
reCreate Design Company: Who can guess today's project? Stay tuned tomorrow for results! #diy #chalkpaint #repurpose #upcycle
reCreate Design Company: Who else wants to work at a company with a sauna !? #bestplacestowork #sweden #gothenburg
reCreate Design Company: Mama made me a scarf with some #scrap material I've had around forever - Mama needs to stay in Sweden! #momrocks
reCreate Design Company: My mom... the ultimate repurposer! #hotchocolate #smarttips #repurpose #reuse
reCreate Design Company: Waking to a winter wonderland this morning in #Sweden...finally! #freshpowder
reCreate Design Company: Another thing to love about Sweden - it may be below freezing, but people are happy sitting outside at the cafes with a nice warm cuppa. #sweden #swedishculture #itsfreezing
reCreate Design Company: The Swedes have a saying that there's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. It's wonderful to know the kids are outside multiple times a day, in rain, sleet, snow or shine! #freezing #sweden
reCreate Design Company: 3:39 pm in #sweden. #fotö #archipelago
reCreate Design Company: Die hard sea glass hunters! #sweden #hönö #seaglass
reCreate Design Company: #mytown this morning. #gothenburg #göteborg