Velma's World: Yarnbomb 01 - Purple Tree
nirbhao: IMG_0039
nirbhao: mackinac and yarn_2013 09 23_0021_edited-1.png
Sara's Texture Crafts: I need some easy knitting today and to take to @wonderwoolwales next week. I decided to cast on Ma Belle Amie by Yarn Love. I'm using my hand dyed test skeins from my new collection dye to launch at the show ;)
toiltroublemade: Pink Orchard
splityarn: 2/52 Merry Christmas to me!
Spun Right Round: Squam Lake SAW June 2012
eutrapalia: IMG_0019
helloyarn: Storm Cloud Rambouillet
Squirrel Junkie: Tote bags finished: check!
Tricotin: ballons
CCSmile2006: Textured batts
Flipbrat: 34/12 merino
Flipbrat: 42/12 silk
SourCherries: Status of the handspun stash/May 2008
CCSmile2006: DSC00354
CCSmile2006: DSC00328
FreckledPast: Spinning