Padre Martini: Thomas Malton II (1748-1804) - King's Parade, Cambridge
Padre Martini: Paul Sandby (1731-1809) - Part of the Banqueting Hall, Whitehall, and Scotland Yard with Elegant Figures
Padre Martini: Thomas Malton II (1748-1804) - Horse Guards, Whitehall
Padre Martini: Anonymus - Girl at a piano
Padre Martini: Antonio Zatta (1722-1797) - Ducati di Livonia, e di Estonia, e Governi di Navogorod, Bielogorod, e Kiowia
Padre Martini: Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) - Réjouissances devant l'hotel de ville pour la Venue des Souverains Russes
Padre Martini: Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867) - The Gatteaux Family (1850)
Padre Martini: Dirk Langendijk (1748-1805) - Oproer door Pruisische soldaten te Rotterdam (1787)
Padre Martini: Dirk Langendijk (1748-1805) - De Schelde versterkt door de Franse troepen
Padre Martini: Jan Peeter Verdussen (c.1700-1763) - A military encampment
Padre Martini: Jan Peeter Verdussen (c.1700-1763) - A departure for the hunt
Padre Martini: Constantin Netscher (1668-1723) - Portrait of a Lady with Spinet
Padre Martini: Pietro Longhi (1701-1785) - La trattativa
Padre Martini: Pietro Longhi (1701-1785) - La consegna del pacco
Padre Martini: Willey Reveley (1760-1799) - Views in the Levant Malta
Padre Martini: Joseph Kenhelm (18th Century) - View of the Grand harbour, Valetta, Malta
Padre Martini: Joseph Kenhelm (18th Century) - View of the Grand harbour, Valetta, Malta
Padre Martini: Thomas Bowles (1707-1753) - A Perspective View of the Town and Fortifications of Malta
Padre Martini: Giuseppe Sciuti (1834-1911) - A musical concert
Padre Martini: Adolphe-Alexandre Lesrel (1839-1929) - The Practice Recital
Padre Martini: Unknown artist (19th Century) - The Marching Band
Padre Martini: Johann Peter Krafft (1780-1856) - Declaration of victory after the Battle of Leipzig (1813)
Padre Martini: Gioacchino Giuseppe Serangeli (1768-1852) - Adieux de Napoléon et d'Alexandre après la paix de Tilsitt (9 juillet 1807)
Padre Martini: Pierre-Nolasque Bergeret (1782-1863) - Alexander Ier présente à Napoléon les Kalmoucks, les Cosaques et les Baskirs de l'armée russe (9 juillet 1807)
Padre Martini: Ludwig Friedrich Kaiser (1779-1819) - Napoleons in Basel (1797)
Padre Martini: Adolphe Cossard (1870-1952) - Musique Profane & Musique Sacrée (c.1900)
Padre Martini: Adolphe Cossard (1870-1952) - Musique Profane & Musique Sacrée (c.1900)
Padre Martini: Pellicer (19th Century) - Cantaires de l'Orfeó Català
Padre Martini: Unknown artist (19th Century) - Basilika Mariazell (1812)
Padre Martini: Ludwig Halauska (1827-1892) - A View of Klosterneuburg Monastery (1873)