rebirthtrochus: Shells from N.E. Taiwan in Jan. 2025
rebirthtrochus: the buddhist pagoda's Conus shells
rebirthtrochus: C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS)
rebirthtrochus: C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS)
rebirthtrochus: C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS)
rebirthtrochus: C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS)
rebirthtrochus: Shells from N.E. Taiwan in Aug. 2024
rebirthtrochus: rainbow & secondary rainbow
rebirthtrochus: 心之所向 身之所往
rebirthtrochus: Ovulidae shells from N.E. Taiwan
rebirthtrochus: shelf cloud (FFD)
rebirthtrochus: Cb. praecipitatio murus (wall cloud)
rebirthtrochus: Cb. praecipitatio murus (wall cloud)
rebirthtrochus: shelf cloud (Cb with arcus)
rebirthtrochus: shelf cloud (Cb with arcus)
rebirthtrochus: shelf cloud (Cb with arcus)
rebirthtrochus: shelf cloud (Cb with arcus)
rebirthtrochus: shelf cloud (Cb with arcus)
rebirthtrochus: shelf cloud (Cb with arcus)
rebirthtrochus: shelf cloud (Cb with arcus)
rebirthtrochus: shelf cloud (Cb with arcus)
rebirthtrochus: shelf cloud (Cb with arcus)
rebirthtrochus: shelf cloud (Cb with arcus)