jaralt: Rafts on the Dunajec river
jaralt: Summer walk
Groovyjee: Citrus
Morio60: Abbaye de Prémontré (Aisne) - Escalier monumental
danjh75: Higger Tor
beelzebub2011: happy birthday Canada
zanzibarcordoba: Cliffs. Sao Jorge. Azores
neilalderney123: Melbourne & the Yarra River
FRJ photography: - cages -
Simon Hadleigh-Sparks: Along The Promenade by Simon & His Camera
hak87: Full Bloom
zanzibarcordoba: Going down from Pico in Pico Island. Azores
bluegreenorange: Prince's Lodge II
Matt Wilde: Lazy River
hugsant: Grand Central Terminal 2014
javier_plazamar: DSC03115
javier_plazamar: DSC00982
hak87: The Missing Fireworks
TheDevilYouKnow...: Chicago Theater. Take One.
Morio60: Coucy-le-Château-Auffrique (Aisne) - Vestiges du Château - Bâtiment ouest, dont la salle des Preux à l'étage
dolbinator1000: Red, Light and Blue
Gidzy: Dismantling of the Manchester Wheel (eventually) at Piccadilly Gardens
captured by bond: Watch tower_SMB1583
Len Langevin: Stark reality
Oleg S .: Future Sensations
Loïc Lagarde: Seljalandsfoss waterfall
neilalderney123: Footbridge over the Yarra, Melbourne
wentloog: City Hall Cardiff
wentloog: Tree With a Long Shadow